Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Journey to the Lighter Side - Less is More

I ran my first 5K today.

I’ve been putting it off for the past 25 years so it was about time and you know what…it hurt, but then again I expected it to, at some point.

As an ultra runner I had received various comments about running a 5K, the winner being Javier's who cautiously intones “Friends do not let friends run 5K’s”; very wise advice  : )

The event was held in Novi next door to the Novi Fit, and organized by Triathletes in Action (TIA) in support of the Michigan Chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans Association (PVA), a very worthy cause. Fishbone grill laid on breakfast at the finish.

TIA Organizer and Daughter

Following a beautiful singing of the national anthem we were ready to get going. The RD joked and asked for some folk to get up front and lead the group, I looked around and three of us hesitantly stepped forward. “Bang”, we were off. Ye har…I’m the lead pacer…this aint gonna last! Around mile ½ Chris, the eventual winner edges up front, I tuck in behind Mary, eventual female winner who jokes “Are you drafting me?” Maybe. Mary has “only” ran two marathons; her first at which she BQ’ed and Boston. Good going Mary. Why mess about.

I was felling pretty immortal up to mile 2, then started slowing, slowing, slowing. A young whipper snapper coasted past me in the last ½ m to secure a 15 second lead but he was a couple of decades younger so “Good luck to ya sonny”. I still have all my teeth you know.

Many volunteers made this event possible. Of particular note was a youth group called “Reality Check Detroitfounded by Detroit Police Officer Geoffrey Townsend. Around 50 young folk from Detroit who acted as race marshals directing the runners at each turn. They looked impressive in their coordinated red and black uniforms. They were cheerful and courteous, and had to endure some rain around 25 minutes into the event.

Reality Check Detroit

There was a raffle at the end, the gifts being donated by fellow runners and local businesses. I won a gift certificate to Aleko’s Pizzaria in South Lyon which was used that evening. I also was first “Old Geezer” which was for 40 year olds and up. Thank you Running Fit for my gift certificate award. ”Now what do I need?” Also in my old geezer's swag bag was a video “How to run like a cheetah”.
Mary and Chris
All finishers got a dog tag

It was fun. 20:27 (6:35 pace) 3rd overall. 1st AG.


1 comment:

  1. great run inspire! ...and you are fast too!!!
